What We Do

At Northern Infinity Group, we are passionate about identifying opportunities, developing and implementing effective strategies and helping companies and organizations grow.

Our experience in working with a wide range of industries over the course of ten years enables us to provide exceptional results for our clients.

We offer a complete suite of direct mail services for small businesses and non-profit organizations. We assist our clients in establishing a successful local presence, driving quality prospects, generating fresh leads and acquiring new customers.

Techniques we use to increase our clients' bottom lines include direct mail, media buying, online follow up ads, conversion rate optimization and advanced results tracking. We also offer consulting, development and design services.

Contact us today to discuss your objectives and to learn more about available solutions.

  • Direct Mail Services
  • Postcard Design & Print
  • Targeted Mailing Lists
  • Media Buying
  • Follow Up Ads
  • Conversion Rate Optimization
  • Advanced Results Tracking
  • Design & Development